Our Protectiv® mask is one of Novethic's eco-responsible initiatives

Our Protectiv® mask is one of Novethic's eco-responsible initiatives

Novethic, the expert in sustainable finance and media reference in responsible economy, talks about our Protectiv® masks, which are bio-degradable, as one of the eco-responsible solutions to adopt to change one's daily life in the face of the extent of the environmental impact of surgical masks. Indeed, our masks are infinitely reusable because they are dishwasher-safe and are 370 times less polluting than a single-use mask, only the filter needs to be changed (washable 10 times).

Read the article

Online article: https://www.novethic.fr/actualite/social/consommation/isr-rse/masque-biodegradable-sportif-ou-rechargeable-cinq-initiatives-ecoresponsables-qui-vont-changer-notre-quotidien-149588.html

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